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  Don't Just Take Renée's Word For It
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Testimonials From Experts Testimonials From Seminars Videos Testimonials

Renee is a ball of energy and direction! She's a leader, a trainer and role model for many. She's inspirational, an excellent speaker and is an innovator with programming like her Love Reporter broadcasting. She handles special events with aplomb and is one of the most gracious people you'll ever meet. It's been my pleasure to work with her on my book The Vision Board and her aid and support in broadcasting and video and interviewing has made a real contribution to its success as a best-seller. I can't wait to work with her again in the future!
-Joyce Schwarz author of  The Vision Board Book

Renee’s work is a “must have” resource for all men wanting to build successful relationships with women. She writes for us on and the men love her work.
- Curt Smith,

Renee is able to offer very insightful power tools and the reader is given the insight to use them to change their relationships and achieve success in love.
-Mark Victor Hansen, Co author of the # 1 best seller Chicken Soup for the Soul

Renee is the ultimate connector and creates bridges for people to get together for fun socializing, business and dating. We work together on many mutimedia projects and she is brilliant with creating concepts and formulas that work. She offers amazing resources to any project she works on and helps bring posative energy to everything she does. She helps brings all the pieces together to create synergy and action.
-Ruth Klein, Branding and Productivity Coach and author

Renee was one of our most popular guests for dating challenges on “The Other Half." We featured her as a guest expert 11 times over the last 2 seasons. We always knew we could count on Renee to help produce and deliver a quality entertaining segment whenever we called on her. She is talented, organized, and self sufficient - which makes her a producer's dream.
- Ed Leon, Executive Producer of  The Other Half

Renee is a limitless bundle of energy, enthusiasm and hard work. She produced many TV segments for our national show and interviewed hundreds of single men around the country. She brought out the best in every man she interviewed and I’m sure her book will bring out the very best in any multimedia project she works on! She is a winner!
- David Loring, Producer of Men Across America

Renee has been teaching for The Learning Annex for 12 years, was our featured “Keynote Speaker” at our annual Sex, Dating & Relationship symposium and is one of our most popular seminar leaders for singles. I know from all the rave reviews we receive that you will only benefit from reading Renee’s words of wisdom or using her for any TV or radio show. Much success Renee, you are the BEST!
-Gigi, Executive Director Learning Annex, CA.

For the past decade I have watched Renee research men, women, relationship issues and energy. She was a hit on CNN on Valentine's Day and Headline News with her heartfelt love advice. Sharing her passion on topics of love and energy has been her calling card. Love Mechanics truly gives men the remote control on what women are thinking and the actions to take to tune-up! She is a pleasure to work with. Her style is entertaining, and very informative!
-Rhonda Grayson, CNN NEWS Producer & Executive Producer of Health Styles

Renee Piane facilitated our Bridging Heart and Marketing II conference participants with her Rapid Networking experience and everyone LOVED her and wished the process had lasted even longer. Renee is an outstanding speaker - and we don't say that lightly. She's passionate, funny, confident and holds the stage like few people can. Use her. You'll be glad you did!
-Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD Producers, Bridging Heart and Marketing Internet Marketing Conferences

Renee is the ultimate connector and creates bridges for people to get together for fun socializing, business and dating. We work together on many mutimedia projects and she is brilliant with creating concepts and formulas that work. She offers amazing resources to any project she works on and helps bring posative energy to everything she does. She helps brings all the pieces together to create synergy and action.
-Ruth Klein, Branding and Productivity Coach and author

Finally the power tools men really need! Love Mechanics offers the missing link between men and women.
-Eve Hogan, author of  Intellectual Foreplay

Renee’s seminars are a joy to attend. She has the ability to connect with the audience and make them see the potential within themselves. Her energy and infectious charm captivate the room from start to finish. Now her winning formulas are in her new book if you don’t have a chance to see Renee in person buy this now!
-Sylvia Newton-Robbins, Former Vice-President of American Seminar Leaders Association

Renee is truly gifted. Her insight into the human condition comes only from a person with true heart.
-Maralyn Facey, Divorce Magazine/Guide for the Single Parent

Many singles are confused and clueless. If you’re looking for the secrets of dating ... listen carefully to Renee Piane. She has a unique way of teaching singles the dynamics of the dating game. Renee knows more about what singles really need than anyone in the field. Thank you, Renee.
-Michael Edwards, MFCC

Renee creates magic. She's a great business woman with a huge heart. Her years of teaching, interviewing and coaching helps her/her work stay at the crest of the wave. She consistently brings innovative process and inspiration to any project or program. You're the greatest!

I used to rush into relationships and dated a series of Bad boys! After going through Renee's Secrets Seminar and doing some private coaching, I am in my power and have 2 men courting me and I love it! I am ready for a committed relationship with an amazing man and taking my time now. I am using Renee's techniques and test driving these relationships and it is amazing how it really works! Renee is so supportive and direct and she truly Cares! Renee's SECRETS and her loving energy and wisdom changed my entire relationship to men and love forever! You are the BEST!
-C.F. San Fransico

Thanks for the great class! I never thought I would be taking a course on relationships and that I would be sharing such personal stuff with someone who's not a best friend or something, but it's fun and I think you are really good at what you do! Your advice is always invaluable.

The power of love! I am still in awe over your kindness and authenticity in your Secrets Seminar. I had been blind-sided so thank you again.. amazing how god/goddess brings in the perfect people in the perfect moment to catapult us to grow ... and evolve... your partner and student in evolutionary growth and Love

Renee has truly helped me with my relationship concerns/issues and has uncovered the foundation of all this negativity. She is truly “my angel” and has made me see the light in my darkest times. I truly believe in myself and know that I will find that special gentleman to share my life with very soon. Renee has shared her techniques, real-life experiences, kind words, and prayers with me. My days are shining brighter now, thanks to Renee. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!
Rosa Mancari *Note since this testimonial was written, Rosa is now engaged to be married in June of 2013 to a wonderful man! I'll be there!

Dear Renee, I have taken one of your Secrets in the Minds of Men seminars and loved it. I broke up almost two months ago from a nine month relationship with someone who could not commit. Your work empowered me to evaluate my life and make choices from a stronger place. I recommend your work to all my friends. thank you so much! You renewed my faith in love!
-Andrea L

Listen and learn from Rene, the love Guru. Set your intentions, believe in your dreams and they will come true. Renee helped me to open up to the universe to find love and all of it's possibilities. Recently hurt in love with many failed relationship, I sought out the advice of Renee. I learned how to set my intentions, awake my femininity and open my heart to find the love of my life, my soul mate. Thank you, my friend, Renee, for teaching me how to ask for what I need and for helping me recognize and listen to my intuitions to find Andy, the love of my life.
-With love, Brenda

Renee's class was a Life changing, mind expanding experience and now I see why I pushed men away. Now that I know these powerful Secrets, I have already started meeting awesome men who want what I want. I think I may have met the man I am going to marry and I am using Renee's tools to see if he is the one. If I had only learned these secrets before! Thank you Renee... you are the BEST!
-Suzanne from Phili

Renee, Your Secrets Seminars have been a source of great inspiration and joy. You have helped me to start enjoying my single life after a great heartbreak, and help me understand how men think I have confidence and believe that the right relationship is on its way. Love will come at the perfect time. Thank you for your wisdom
-Alma S

Hi Renee, I really enjoyed your seminar last Thursday, thank you. It has motivated me to make some positive changes. I have begun reading your book, which will be a good guide and elaborate more deeply on the concepts that you touched on.
-All the best, Jason

I attended your Secrets Seminar in July. I am the one who is widowed. You were very helpful, supportive, and compassionate. I want you to know that I really truly meant what I said to you on my way out that evening: You have uplifted me more in one evening than my bereavement support group did in one year.
-Cheryl S

You are a Godsend for me. I love your energy and your openness. Where were you when I was growing up? I am truly grateful that you were here to help guide me to look into my heart and do the work and healing that needed to be done. I am now ready for my man.
-Millie Sunday Jett

Renee's work entails assisting participants in healing the wounds of their pasts. In doing so, participants are able to better move forward in their lives, manifesting the desires of their heart, including true love. I experienced a major break-through during the Course. I received unexpected news from a relative I had never before met. This connection introduced me to parts of my family I had never known, and it enabled me to heal wounds with my father, who has been deceased now, for many years.With my past reconciled, I can now move forward into life with joy and enthusiasm. I am ready for love!
-Tonya Reed

Thank you for the motivating and inspiring sessions! I learned so much from you and how I can move forward in my pursuit of finding love. I read your Secrets love advice and you have so much great information to share and these seminars without a doubt will be a HIT!
-Deborah G




dating coach singles advice

Renee Piane is not only the best dating coach, she is the best overall consultant I have ever worked with in any field.

Renee knows the subject of dating thoroughly - and she knows every subject related to dating. She is at the top of her game.

Renee is a master at pinpointing areas in her clients that need attention. She can assess situations with the rapidity of a heat-seeking missile. And although she pulls no punches, she also communicates with dignity and compassion.

She gives the impression of being completely dedicated to her work. She is quick to respond and gives, gives, gives to her clients. She is one of those rare birds who undersells and over delivers.

Paul Parks


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